Mudroom Confessions

I feel like everything has been coming back to our recent farmhouse renovation! Truth be told, the reno really gave us a chance to re-think our processes as a family and get our day-to-day routine back on track. When we lived in our old house we had very limited space, especially downstairs. As Lucy started Kindergarten, the paperwork coming home and her backpack/lunch box/coats/hats/gloves/STUFF just overwhelmed our space and really took over our downstairs. A friend had given me the tip to purchase this Magnetic Wall Folder. It was a place we kept the important papers Lucy and I would need to access frequently (like the letter day rotation schedule, lunch menus,

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Everybody Walk The Dinosaur

In honor of my & Other Stories Dino cardigan arrival and Greer’s dino valentine choice we thought it would be a “roar” to share some of Bitsy’s favorite dino-wear that we’ve spotted in the past few weeks. Let’s be honest, dino patterns are popping up everywhere lately so they weren’t tough to find. But we were determined to find some pieces that have that good ‘ol Bitsy swing…

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1st Birthday Paintings

We struggle with finding the right, cool art for our home that not only goes with our aesthetic/decor, but has meaning and isn’t $1M! Finding something we actually WANT to look at all the time that makes us happy for any particular reason. In our old house we were building our collection as we started to build our family so naturally we had a lot of walls to fill.

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Having a little one during the Holidays is challenging - for many reasons. But if you want to know honestly, what I find most difficult during the Holiday prep season when kids are 3-5 years old is how their “Santa List” changes at a rapid pace! Greer was 4 this past Christmas and had a very solid Christmas list. I always go for the top 3 and figure I can talk my way (Santa’s way - you’re welcome, big guy!) out of the things they “didn’t get”. Most of the time this isn’t even an issue because my girls are so pumped with what they did receive that they forget about what they didn’t.

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Valentine Cards!

Just like our Christmas cards this past year, I am outsourcing our Valentine’s! We need easy-peesy. (Mama’s got a lot on her plate in 2019!) Actually, I typically try to do this every year. I find Valentines that the girls can help create, but make sure they aren’t going to take over our lives. A couple of times Ive made the mistake of falling in love with a design that I can’t talk myself out of while telling myself they will be easier than they look. Yet, there I am stressed and overwhelmed! Don’t get me wrong, they are usually worth the time and I end up loving them (like when we did THESE!). It’s just that some years there isn’t time for them to take up more of MY time than my daughters’! All that being said, we’ve been on the hunt for the right Valentines for Lucy and Greer these past few weeks. Here are some of our top picks (source links listed below):

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Storing Children's Art + School Work!

I used to be a saver. I saved evvvverything. After our recent move and reno, however, my perspective has completely changed. The moving and storing and sorting of all of this “stuff” created such a burden on us all. There are things my mom saved that I so appreciate. Heck, that is the reason Bitsy ever came to be! So recently there has become this fine line - we thin ourselves out from the things that we really dont need, but save (and use!) the things that bring us great joy. And maybe we can even incorporate those things into our home’s decor and our daily lives. Here’s my system…

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Bitsy's Valentine's Day Collection

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, so of course we are already planning our girl’s outfits! We’ve also been gathering some sweet V-Day swag for your little ones as well. Check out our collection below PLUS a DISCOUNT CODE for you Bitsy followers ! How sweet is that?! More info below…

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Art Cart Organization!

Things were getting out of hand. Every time my girls wanted to color (not even take on a big art project) I was getting stressed. There was no system. And the clean up would be too much for us all. I already had the great coloring mat idea (you can find that here), but I needed a place for that to live along with all of their markers and other mediums. I was stressed, they were stressed and the worst part was that my kids didn’t have their creative outlet when they were home.

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La Coqueta Sale!

A sale from one of our most favorite brands - La Coqueta! Yes, please. Lucy and Greer wear a ton of La Coqueta for many reasons. The first reason being that the clothing is made SO well. It is true craftsmanship - something that we don’t see much of in these times. The other reason is that their styles are spot on - classic and easy to tailor to your own every day (or even special occasion) vibe.

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Faux Fur Jackets for the Littles!

One of my most favorite pieces in my closet for the past 2 years has been my faux fur jacket. I actually have a few, but the one that has the loudest style and is most obnoxious surprisingly wins as the one I wear the most! Dress it up or down. So, it was only natural that I went on a hunt for Lucy and Greer. Here are the 2 cutest, most fun, least expensive brands I settled on…

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Wall Pocket Folder

We are looking to help you get motivated in this New Year to get organized! As we get our house back in order from the pre-holiday construction and the holidays themselves we’ve been on an organizing rampage. It is my absolute favorite thing to do. I could walk around and organize (and I’ve become obsessed with purging and tossing lately!) for hours. I get lost in it and have to pull myself away!

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Duck, Duck, BOOTS!

Today we’re sharing Bitsy’s children’s Duck Boots picks. We love duck boots because they are a practical, cute, one-shoe option for the munchkins in the colder/wet months. See our good ‘ol stand-bys, some new options ( we’ve personally tried this year for Lucy) and styles that make our eyes smile!

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Bitsy Favorite for the Itsy...PEPPER KIDS!

Happy 2019!! We thought we’d start the New Year off with a stunner. PEPPER KIDS is a brand we mamas want to be wearing ourselves. Bitsy feels like we hit the jackpot by discovering them. Not only does PEPPER KIDS offer the cutest in children’s fashion (classic with a modern twist), but they also have an insanely reasonable price point that seriously cannot be beat. It is the perfect scenario for children’s fashion - dressing them as you wish without paying too much. PEPPER’S pieces adapt into many different looks - play clothes for school, dress clothes for special occasions and special activities and everyday rascality.

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Bitsy's Favorite Gifts from Christmas!

We were really picky with what we gave the girls this year for Christmas. After a year of purging, cleaning and renovating we felt that less really does mean more so we stuck to our guns and paired down their lists. Here is what Lucy + Greer told us are their favorite gifts from Christmas:

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Easy Gingerbread Houses

One of my most favorite memories from growing up is making Gingerbread Houses. I never understood why my mom never made them for us to decorate. Back then there weren’t kits available so making a Gingerbread House was a big commitment. So now that I’m a mom that has been through 7 holiday seasons - learning the chaos, lists, stress - I completely get why my mom never had a chance to Gingerbread House with us! I always decorated them in Brownie meetings or at a friends December birthday party so really there was no need.

Fast forward to now - I was bound and determined to find a way to do these with my girls without allowing them to create too much stress. While searching for easy DIY Gingerbread Houses I came across the idea to use Graham Crackers - genius! So with those as my base, I have slowly figured out a system over the past few years. After executing again this past weekend I think it really works! I’ve broken it down for you below with all of my resources.

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Something Navy

We follow a lot of fellow bloggers and stylists - that’s one of our favorite parts about being a blogger! Arielle Charnas of Something Navy had us at hello when we recently watched her launch her very own collection for Nordstrom. Since, we’ve been marking our calendars for new collection launch dates and today she has launched her December pieces! Head over to SOMETHING NAVY or the SOMETHING NAVY BOUTIQUE for NORDSTROM now to snag your looks.

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Christmas/Eve Table Decor

Our Motivation Monday post is hoping to inspire you for any hosting you will be doing on Christmas Eve. We got this idea from a favorite blogger, Julie of Swiss Family Gallagher, and have had it tabbed away for about a year in hopes we would get to host Christmas Eve. Well, this year the holiday is ours and we couldn’t be more excited about our table decor ideas. This super cute theme is easy, classic and so fun for the kids. The energy on Christmas Eve is one of my favorite parts of this holiday, so to expand on that only seems like the most natural thing to do! Our adult table decor is equally as easy and creates a simple elegance for adults to enjoy. Here’s the breakdown for you:

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Santa Writes Back Kit

‘Tis the Season! What we love most about the holiday season is the little sprinklings throughout - baking gingerbread cookies and houses, decorating the tree, Elf on the Shelf shannagins, our girls decorating their mini trees for their rooms. We have a soft spot for a hand-written, snail-mailed letter as we shared in our Snail Mail post last March. So it is only fitting that we share this great little “Santa Writes Back Kit” creation by none other than Mr. Boddington’s Studio. There is still time (up until Dec. 15th!) to participate in this sweet idea. Something that can become a new tradition while keeping the old traditions alive.

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