Bitsy's Favorite Gifts from Christmas!

A few of their favorite things…

We were really picky with what we gave the girls this year for Christmas. After a year of purging, cleaning and renovating we felt that less really does mean more so we stuck to our guns and paired down their lists. Here is what Lucy + Greer told us are their favorite gifts from Christmas:

Bean Bags.

We went with the Nobodinoz brand and are in love with them. Mike’s toosh has been in them since the girls opened them on Christmas AM and I even napped in one on Christmas day! Lucy and Greer used them for all of our family movies this week and sit in them to play with their legos, barbies, etc. They act as excellent room decor, too. Sweet.

Handmade Linen Doll.

This was our special gift to Greer. We blogged about them a few weeks ago (Linen Dolls) and cannot speak any more highly about this brand. We stumbled upon Ann & Andy on Etsy this fall and cannot get enough of the whole bit they have created. Greer adores dressing her and she now goes everywhere Greer goes. Love at first sight. A fine addition to Greer’s stuffy collection and our home.

Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak.

We blogged about these a few weeks ago as well. What a hit! If you have an HP fan in your home - even a budding HP fan like us - this is a fun way to start their infatuation with the amazing series. All details on where to purchase and how to execute is in our Harry Potter Post!

Architecture Legos.

Lucy adores legos and really cares for what she builds so we felt she was ready to take on something like this. She screamed when she opened them. It was brilliant. We figured starting with the Statue of Liberty seemed about right.

Sparkly Boots.

Emu Australia makes these amazing Ugg-like boots with really fun patterns. Greer wanted something sparkly and needed warmer boots to slip on and off, so these spoke to us (they were saying “Greer”!)!


Greats Gold Sneakers.

Greer wanted something sparkly but so did mama. Can’t wait to sport these. Don’t you just love that sneakers are so in?! I’ll be an updated Dorothy.

Image credit to each brand.