Easy Gingerbread Houses

One of my most favorite memories from growing up is making Gingerbread Houses. I never understood why my mom never made them for us to decorate. Back then there weren’t kits available so making a Gingerbread House was a big commitment. So now that I’m a mom that has been through 7 holiday seasons - learning the chaos, lists, stress - I completely get why my mom never had a chance to Gingerbread House with us! I always decorated them in Brownie meetings or at a friends December birthday party so really there was no need.

Fast forward to now - I was bound and determined to find a way to do these with my girls without allowing them to create too much stress. While searching for easy DIY Gingerbread Houses I came across the idea to use Graham Crackers - genius! So with those as my base, I have slowly figured out a system over the past few years. After executing again this past weekend I think it really works! I’ve broken it down for you below with all of my resources.

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