Santa Writes Back Kit

What We Love Friday’s!

‘Tis the Season! What we love most about the holiday season is the little sprinklings throughout - baking gingerbread cookies and houses, decorating the tree, Elf on the Shelf shannagins, our girls decorating their mini trees for their rooms. We have a soft spot for a hand-written, snail-mailed letter as we shared in our Snail Mail post last March. So it is only fitting that we share this great little “Santa Writes Back Kit” creation by none other than Mr. Boddington’s Studio. There is still time (up until Dec. 15th!) to participate in this sweet idea. Something that can become a new tradition while keeping the old traditions alive.

Mr. B’s Studio explains this kit the best, so we’ve grabbed an excerpt from their site so that you get the full picture:

“Delight your child with a hand-written note from Santa. From his outpost at Mr. Boddington's Studio, Mr. Claus has been receiving and responding to children's holiday requests for over ten years. Santa and his old comrade Mr. Boddington believe that tots should take a break from tapping away on all those digital screens and jot down an old-fashioned letter. Santa is ready to hear what your darling has to say, and looks forward to writing back!

The kit contains the following pieces: a lovely box, blank letterhead for your child to write his or her note, an envelope to Santa, an envelope for you to put your return address, pencils & gift labels.”

Photo Credit, Mr. Boddington’s Studio.

Happy HO HO HO to you!