Wall Pocket Folder

Happy Motivation Monday!

We are looking to help you get motivated in this New Year to get organized! As we get our house back in order from the pre-holiday construction and the holidays themselves we’ve been on an organizing rampage. It is my absolute favorite thing to do. I could walk around and organize (and I’ve become obsessed with purging and tossing lately!) for hours. I get lost in it and have to pull myself away!

When you have kids, I’ve noticed you end up having pile pockets throughout your house…lego pieces/sets, papers/art projects from school, doll clothes, books that end up on the stairs and in the corners of rooms, in the back of bins in closets. My family probably hears most from me “everything should have a place” and as our family grows and new toys, etc get introduced to the mix we need to mold with the changes. So I try to switch up the organization, the bins, the file folders, the closets every so often in order for everything to have a place! Lucy, now that she is 7.5 years old, is slightly changing in her room needs. Since her room is somewhat new and wasn’t her room as a baby I took the opportunity when decorating to make it more transitional and not so “little kid”. That being said, I wasn’t ready to strip her of her younger years either, so my organization plan goals were to make her room comfortable and easy to keep neat. Alas, my solution is working and I was even able to incorporate it into Greer’s (4 years old) tiny space as an organization helper as well (behind her door so if things get a little crazy, they don’t bug me as much!)!

Poppin is a favorite brand - I use their desk accessories on my office desk. When trying organize our upstairs I instantly went to their website to figure out what would work best in the girls’ rooms. We needed a place (near their desks) that holds their coloring books, extra paper, paints, books. Neither of them have a lot of drawer space. These wall file pockets are the answer. They are inexpensive, easy to hang and not intrusive to our over-all decor. We went with white in Lucy’s room (in sticking with that room transition vibe) and in Greer’s we went for the pink since her room needed a little touch of color and she is further away from a “big girl room”. The girls love them and find it easy to keep things neat in their spaces while they are creating or when they are cleaning up after creating! Ill be sharing more organization tips in the New Year keep checking back!