late to the party...
These few items missed the "in my Easter bonnet" party last week and Bitsy didn't want its readers to miss out on a few additional ideas...
Albetta Kissing Bunnies Baby Gift Set, $58.26-
(also available in pink/white…and for those of you familiar with Kissy Kissy fabrics, Albetta’s cotton is just as luscious)
Old Navy Boys Blue/Silver Bulldog Sunglasses, $5-
Little Chook (on Etsy) Rabbit L/S Tee, $27.35-
*Also a quick follow-up on the Twig Creative Wooden Toy Camera that was featured in the orginal “in my Easter bonnet” post last Monday 3.24.14. The Easter Bunny may be adding it to Lucy’s basket (and since it arrived last week) it is SUCH an adorable toy! It also doubles as an accessory! There will be lots of great “Say Cheese!” moments with this one for sure…
*Photo credit to each brand