Harry Potter

Harry’s Invisibility Cloak - Read, Create + Inspire

We’ve recently started reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone with Lucy and Greer. It has been such a fun family experience to say the least. We snagged this illustrated copy of the book [ HARRY POTTER & THE SORCERER’S STONE ] from our local library in order to also engage Greer (age 4) and it has been such a special reading journey! They are both loving it - especially Lucy (age 7). So, naturally, one of the top items on Lucy’s Christmas list this year is an invisibility cloak “just like Harry’s”. Target had a great one, but I missed the boat. So, of course I had to get creative and decided to have fun with it! I found a great (and very lovely) company on Etsy named Everfan that creates children’s capes in any color combo you’d like! I ordered it in black, with gold inside. I then ordered this patch from Taqpatches on Etsy as well and will sew it on. We can’t wait for Lucy to open it on Christmas morning. We just hope we don’t misplace her haha…