dancing queen
If you've got a dancing queen on your hands (like we do!), then you'll love the assortment we've got for them here. Sweet, prance-y items - some for pretend and some that we think are great for outfits - they look adorbs and will make them happy! Take a twirl through our selection...
Monica + Andy Prima Bellarina Dress, $58-
The Mini Life Twinkle Toes Onesie
Monica + Andy Long Sleeve Prima Bellarina Dress, $58-
SpongecakeLeotards on Etsy Retro Skating Leotard, $10.99-
This Tribe of Three Amelia Bodysuit, $28.50-
Sugar Plum Lane Baby Ballerina Organic Cotton Leggings, $15-
DiscountDance.com Pointe Shoe Socks, $8.05-
My Pretend Place Ballerina Costume Pretend Play Set, $29.99-
*Photo credit to each brand